Now that all the prep work for the twins arrival are almost in place, I need to think about getting ready for Christy's recovery as well. In the Chinese medicinal philosophy, there are three time periods when women can rebuild the health functions of their bodies: first period, after birth, and menopause. In thousands of years of practice, there has been a rich accumulation of studies on how certain herbs and recipes play various functional roles in these critical times. On top of strict diet of certain "functional foods", there are a whole lot of routines that go along with them all within the first month immediately following the birth. All in all, I've seen some people that look younger and feel healthier after this process. so Christy and I decided to get a full-on healing program. We evaluated a few services that deliver freshly-made healing functional food for the four-week time period, as well as cooking this whole program ourselves based on 月子餐 cooking recipe We just decided to go ahead and leave it to the professionals, and not have to worry about anything
Below are two top options we've looked at, and eventually we went with the second one.
益膳坊: $2500
廚房準備好之後馬上真空冷凍經由 fedex 送到, 一次寄送一個星期的份量, 冷凍真空包放進大同電鍋, 跳起來就可以食用
(Couple of my friends in north califonia tried this company and really liked it.)
京品月子膳食: 4 options range from $999 to $3750
使用莊淑旂風車月子藥包 / 全酒料理 / 專業中央廚房 / 菜色天天有變化 / 資深專業台式月子廚師 / 外州冷凍月子膳食低溫宅配 / 嚴選品質
(This one is in Rowland Heights, I am ordering from them.)
廚房準備好之後馬上真空冷凍經由 fedex 送到, 一次寄送一個星期的份量, 冷凍真空包放進大同電鍋, 跳起來就可以食用
(Couple of my friends in north califonia tried this company and really liked it.)
京品月子膳食: 4 options range from $999 to $3750
使用莊淑旂風車月子藥包 / 全酒料理 / 專業中央廚房 / 菜色天天有變化 / 資深專業台式月子廚師 / 外州冷凍月子膳食低溫宅配 / 嚴選品質
(This one is in Rowland Heights, I am ordering from them.)
Oh all my friends that had babies used the first one. Of course they are closer to us, but I heard really good thing about them. They are very accomadating to your needs every week.